dilluns, 19 de gener del 2009

Personal presentation

Hi my name is Margot I’m twelve years old.
My family have got five components, my mother Iona she from Navàs, my father Lluís he from Banyoles, and my two brothers Matt
and Lluís they from Banyoles. My family is very active and we love environment.
My family and I live in Banyoles; Banyoles is a capital of “Pla de l’Estany”, is a big town and is very interesting for you lake, but is noisy and dirty.
My best friend’s girls are Laura, Maria, Júlia and Brigida, and the boys are Ferran, Eloi, Manel “Nel”, and, this is my brother Matt, but doesn’t my friend. My friend’s doesn’t affect and does very active.
My hobbies are street dance, break dance, play the guitar, play basketball, rollerblading and search of snail, I love and to get passionate, but I don’t like classic dance.
I like lots colors, blue, orange, black, white, yellow, green, red, and others, and also like spaghetti, mountain, beach, rollers, and basketball.
In the school I like lots subjects. Spanish, English, Catalan is a language is very fun but English is a difficult subject. I love, Music, socials, math, art, technology, and naturals, but in music class the students are very noisy.
In the normal weekend, play basketball, and make to homework, in the free time I’m go rollerblading, and some weekends my family and I go to “Navàs”. Navàs is the town for mother, and grandfather.

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